Wednesday, November 21, 2007


I've been to LA's finest airport more times than I can count. But I have never had such an awesome time than I did yesterday during my layover before getting to San Francisco.

Why? Well, because while sitting at my gate munching on a huge bag of Chex Mix, I realized I was sitting next to AN AMERICAN IDOL!

I got nervous and couldn't stop smiling (this usually happens when I see celebrities and pug dogs). But then after a lot of serious thinking and overhearing conversations around me, I realized it wasn't Reuben. It wasn't Reuben at all.

Thank gawd I didn't tell him I was eagerly awaiting his comeback.


Anonymous said...

Time to start a life outside of reality TV.

Unknown said...

I love it when I forget about your blog for awhile and then I get really bored in class an remember to check it. It's such a rush.