Sunday, June 24, 2007

"You need a swimsuit? How about two for $25?"

I arrived on Friday night to see Johannah crouched on the living room floor sorting swimsuits, matching tops to bottoms, and ripping off the $1.99 price tags. She had picked up about 70 suits in Panama at ridiculous prices, thinking she could easily sell them back in the states for $15 or more and make a pretty penny. She was right.

She strung them up for the garage sale, and sold 13 suits on the first day. $195, out the door! The second day brought similar business, and she's planning on bringing the rest to Florida to sell on the beach. The girl just may have found her calling...

Overall, the garage sale was a success. Johannah was definitely running the show, trying to keep her father from dropping unnecessary background information ("that cigarette burn was always there...") and her mother from giving things away ("oh, just take it, you're such a nice girl...") She is truly her father's daughter, and she drives a hard bargain.

One thing I learned this weekend? People will buy ANYTHING. Slap a 25 cent sticker on it, and they'll scoop it up by the bagful. VHS tapes? $1, out the door! Half-burned votives? 25 cents, out the door! Get In Shape, Girl cassette tape? Well, that actually didn't sell...

Aside from watching Johannah haggle with old ladies, the rest of the weekend was lovely. Joe and Jen were fantastic hosts, and I can't wait for my next visit. It's the perfect weekend getaway from the city. I'm glad you had a nice relaxing weekend too, MC, it sounds like you needed it...

Oh yeah, we also watched a few home movies from the cabin, and we were laughing so hard we could barely BREATHE. Meghan and Molly were lipsyncing and dancing to "The Greatest Love of All" by Whitney Houston. We need to get that on YouTube ASAP. It's priceless.


MadgeMc said...

CONVERT TO CASH. The Nagan family motto. Wonder how that translates to latin for a family crest.

wendy lewis said...

i finally had a chance to catch up on your blog since i saw your mom's first post. lil... sounds like things are going well as you wade into new water. fuzz... summer in nyc sorta sucks. hope you keep finding places to hideaway that smell better. and... we'll see YOU this weekend!!! you are coming to the house on the 3rd, little sister. cocktails will be consumed and laughter is required. lil... wish you'd be here.

love you both... :^*

mrn said...

Johaaaannnaaa. Gotta love the girl. She is following in the steps of her relatives. I am convinced there is an Irish Tinker in our lineage. If not, she's a trailblazer.

Anonymous said...

When I met the Nagans, I knew I was in for a ride.