Sunday, June 24, 2007

Sunny Weekend

Yesterday, Kayla and I decided we needed to get the hell out of the city.

We woke up at 9am, grabbed some Dunkin', and one transfer and a 45 minute ride on the Long Island Railroad later, we were here:

Long Beach. It was nice to get away for the day. Lately, someone has been dropping 30 pounds of leftovers from Telly's Tavern on 27th street in the middle of the night. Fish. Chicken. Greek salad. I've been disgusted and exhausted and broke and losing my patience with everyone and everything - so wandering around the beach, reading, napping under the sun and watching Kayla eat a fried chicken dinner at the cheap Long Beach Diner was absolutely wonderful and refreshing.

Nine hours later, we were back in Astoria - back to our to our stuffy little apartment, for a large cup of Tasti D-Lite and a marathon of Bad Girls Club (have you seen this? It's unreal.)

Today was spent in Astoria Park. Since the pool doesn't open until Friday, I've spent the last few weekends laying in the sun at the park until I'm sweating through my blanket, which is usually about an hour. Today was unusual, yet delightful because there was a breeze. And because Kayla and I were laying next to a pug party (15 pugs) and a fat man tanning in tighty whities.


Lil - tell me about this garage sale. And the fam.

xo Fuzzy

1 comment:

mrn said...

Astoria Park is priceless. It ain't the Hamptons, but the people watching is so much better. Nothing like the Telly the Greek in his tighty whities. You know he won't be swimming laps anytime soon.

Be cool. See you soon, darling.

Mommy Dearest.