Hello, Berkeley!
There are many things I love about my new neighborhood...
New vegetation
Palm trees
Street art
I have a crush on whoever did this one
Hazy Sunsets
The thing I love most so far? The Berkeley Bowl. It's a grocery store two blocks from my apartment that has a ridiculous produce section. It can be overwhelming, actually, with six different types of any given fruit or veggie to choose from. Everything is incredibly cheap too. Last week I got 3 apples, 1 avocado, blueberries, strawberries, mixed greens, and 2 tomatoes for under $6. They also have the biggest olive bar I've ever seen. Shopping there is kind of an ordeal though, because no matter when you go, morning/afternoon/evening/weekeday/weekend, it's ALWAYS a zoo. Screaming children, carts everywhere, and long checkout lines. But it's totally worth it. And, if you stay calm and don't let people get to you, there's some great people watching.
I think the hazy sunsets are because of the smog. But who cares! The color is reminiscent of Kodachrome.
Hope your first day at the job goes well. Send us the first tip in "The Art of Dressing a Woman".
Mommy Dearest.
As you can see, MCJ is in town. I piggy-backed on her account log-in. We just came back from dinner and will go to Cannon Falls tomorrow.
The prairie is in bloom and the full moon is waning.
soal. haha.
i wanna come.
FUZZY! make a FREAKIN post!!!
I like your pictures. Pictures are good. I miss you already.
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