Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Sky Blue Sky

One of the best things about living in San Francisco is getting out of the city on the weekends. As much as I love it, the dirt, the smells, the cement, the noise, and the people can all wear you down. It's always good to get out, whether it's north or south, and see some wide open spaces.

Last Saturday morning, after a low-key night in, four girls woke up feeling well rested and without hangovers. This is a rare occasion, so we decided to break from our usual brunch/shopping/lounging routine and go for a hike.

The day was gorgeous, and afterward we sat on the beach with beers and champagne, and watched the sunset. So romantic. I guess it was our belated Valentine date, since Emily was too sick to join the rest of us for dinner on Thursday. I love these girls.

1 comment:

mrn said...

Fresh air, hiking and hanging out with the girls can cure almost anything.

And, you don't get a hangover, it's relatively cheap (parking fee, maybe), and you get a workout at the same time. What's not to like?

Enjoy where you live.
