Monday, August 13, 2007

Since I've Been Gone,

I've been doing a lot of wandering.

I finally made it to Coney Island and decided that one day, I will live there. I will eat hot dogs, relax on the beach, and dance on the boardwalk all night long.

I've been people watching.

And after returning from Salt Lake City, added a new subject to my list of top things that fascinate me.

1) Sharks
2) Prisons
3) Eating Disorders
3) Mormons


The past few weeks have been a busy mixture of emotion and experience. And I can't ever stop smiling.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So what is number 3, eating disorders or Mormons? I'd go for the Mormons. And why does this $#^&* blog never let me post unless I re-register each time? I'm going to try again with Lil's post.